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房地产 物业




公司规模:500 - 999人


城市规划师 招聘信息







工资待遇:5000 - 15000

城市规划师 职位描述


1. 具体负责公司规划设计项目(中国区)的规划设计及相关工作;
Being responsible for the design and relevant work of project in China;

2. 根据项目情况和工作安排,配合巴黎总部设计师独立负责并领导中方设计团队进行设计工作;或配合中国总建筑师或项目负责人进行设计并向其汇报工作;或独立进行设计工作;
Cooperate with designers in Paris, being responsible for and leading Chinese design team to carry out the design and relevant work; Or cooperate with Chief Architect in China or project director to carry out design and relevant work and report to them; Or carry out design and relevant work independently.

3. 城市规划专业本科或本科以上学位,具备1年以上类似工作经验(大型设计院/知名外资设计事务所类似经验优先,设计总负责人/专业负责人类似经验优先),专业英语或法语优秀者优先(需要口语即时翻译及书面文件撰写);具备境外工作经验者及有留学背景优先,同时欢迎境外人士;熟练使用专业常用软件;
Bachelor degree in urban plan or above; with relevant working experiences of more than three years (working experiences in famous design institute/ famous foreign design agency are preferred; working experiences as design director/architecture director are preferred); excellent professional English/French is preferred (instant oral translation and written report are required); working experiences in foreign countries are preferred and foreigners are also welcome; sufficient at professional software;

4. 工作地点:成都(根据工作需要出差,主要在国内,根据能力考虑短期派遣巴黎总部工作);
Working Location: Chengdu (Business trip in China; possible short-term working opportunities according to performance)

5. 待遇面议。
Salary to be discussed.


  法国AREP 设计集团成立于1997年,是一家国际综合性设计公司,致力并专长于城市空间转型方面。公司总部位于法国巴黎,并在北京、上海、武汉、深圳、成都、卡萨布兰卡、迪拜、多哈、河内、洛桑设有分支机构。
  Founded in 1997, AREP is a multidisciplinary practice and a key player in transforming the city. Based on Paris, AREP have offices over the world (Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Casablanca,Duba, Doha, Hanoi, Lausanne).
  目前AREP集团聚集了来自30多个国家的1000余名规划师、建筑师、工程师、室内设计师、经济概算师等。服务范围涵盖交通线网规划、城市规划与设计、建筑工程设计、景观设计、城市建筑小品设计、标识设计、工业设计、交通仿真模拟、VR科技等领域,提供全面且专业的综合设计服务。整个团队一直以保证品质为原则,于2001年荣获国际ISO 9001资格证书与OPQIBI资格认证,作为法国国家铁路总公司SNCF的直属子公司,2018年创造了1.17亿欧元的营业额。
  AREP brings together 1000 people and more than 30 nationalities, professionals from diverse disciplines: urban planners, architects, engineers, interior designers, economists, etc. We offer our expertise in all areas of traffic network planning, urban design, architecture design and construction, landscape design, urban architecture pieces design, signage design, industrial design, traffic simulation and VR simulation, etc. AREP is a wholly owned subsidiary of SNCF, the French national rail operator. The company’s turnover for 2018 was 117M.
此外,AREP在 2019年的世界建筑公司100强建筑设计方向榜单中名列第25位,是法国第一所登上该榜单的建筑设计公司。

  It plies its skills in every
field of planning and construction. Particular attention is paid to a programme’s relationship with the
surrounding city, the history of the site, and to sustainability issues:

  > 公建综合体,办公建筑,超高层(多哈亚运会火炬塔、深圳南山天地塔,越南胡志明市投资贸易大厦)Comprehensive Complex, Office,
Tower (Doha Asian Games Tower, Shenzhen Nanshan Tower,Financial Tower, Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam)
  > 商业中心(巴黎蒙巴那斯、成都仁和春天,法国各大城市的绿色商业中心)Commercial Center (Montparnasse
in Paris, Chengdu Renhe Sping,Green Center in France)
  > 展览中心,文化活动中心(巴黎圣母院改造、罗马会展中心、昆山会展文化娱乐中心)Exhibition Center & Culture
Center (Renovation of NOTRE- Dame, Roma Exhibition Center, Kunshan Exhibition
& Culture Center)
  > 博物馆(北京首都博物馆)Museum (Beijing Capital Museum)
  > 体育设施(北京奥林匹克公园规划竞赛)Sport Facilities (Urban Plan
Competition of Beijing Olympic Garden)
  > 医疗建筑(北京协和医院改扩建)Hospitals (Renovation &
Extension of Beijing Xiehe Hospital)
  > 交通枢纽中心(地铁,轻轨,公交,社会车辆,铁路)及以其为中心而展开的城市区域中心(上海南站、北京西直门西环广场、武汉火车站,青岛站,成都沙河堡站,深圳前海湾地铁上盖物业,杭州七堡地铁上盖物业,无锡查桥地铁上盖物业,巴黎左岸地铁上盖物业)Traffic Hub and Surroundings
(Shanghai South Station, Beijing Xihuan Plaza, Wuhan Station,Shenzhen metro Qianhaiwan
depot,Hangzhou metro Qibao Depot, Wuxi metro chaqiao depot,Paris La Rive Gauche
Depot )
  > 城市规划(北京南北中轴永定门段规划、成都天府广场规划)Urban Plan (Yongdingmen Urban
Plan of Beijing North-South Axis, Chengdu Tianfu Square)
  > 住宅/景观/室内设计(天津TEDA居住区、成都青城山别墅、中国农业银行数据中心景观)Residential/Landscape /Interior
Design (Tianjin TEDA, Chengdu Qingchengshan Villa, Landscape of Agricultural
Bank of China)
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